Glamis Castle Rose Flower Wallpaper

Glamis Castle Rose Flower Wallpaper

Glamis Castle Rose Flower Wallpaper

‘Glamis Castle’ is a pure white rose of typical Old Rose character. The flowers are deeply cupped with rather informally arranged petals. It flowers with exceptional freedom and continuity; its blooms producing a wonderful airy effect in the mass. It has an English Rose, myrrh fragrance.The growth is short and bushy, with lots of twiggy branches on which the flowers are produced freely. Its an excellent rose for the front of a garden border.
An abundance of pure white, cupped flowers are produced repeatedly throughout the summer into the autumn. Blooms hold an English old rose myrrh fragrance. Foliage is dark green. Short and bushy growth habit.

Floribunda Rose ‘Betty Boop’

Floribunda Rose 'Betty Boop'

Floribunda Rose ‘Betty Boop’

“Betty Boop” is a hybrid rose that carries sprays of red-edged ivory and yellow blossoms. “Betty Boop” grows in a rounded shape from 3 to 5 feet high and 4 to 5 feet wide and yields blossoms from May until the first autumn frost. Medium to large 3″, semi-double blooms of yellow-ivory edged cherry-red with lovely fruity fragrance that open to show golden centers. One of the most colorful of roses, the blooms are long lasting. A naturally rounded plant with glossy,

Beautiful Pink Yellow dual shaded Rose Flower Photograph

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Yellow Rose With Pink Edges

The Floribunda Rose is a crossbred flower that is loved for its hardiness in harsh climates, minimal upkeep, and its ability to have continual blooms. They are recognized for their familiar traits of stocky and rigid shrubbery with an abundance of color, fragrance and beauty. With these qualities, rose lovers will easily recognize this class of rose gracing landscapes in housing communities and public parks.

Pink roses are for love hopeful and expectant

Francis Meilland Rose

Meaning of Pink Rose Flower

The meaning of pink roses, as expressed by their lovely color is happiness and joy. Being themselves a joy to behold, pink roses express fun and happiness. The pink rose denotes that the receiver is a pleasure to behold, a pleasure to have in company. Thus, it is an indication of deep joy. They indicate happiness or pride, a heart-felt appreciation.
Pink roses are generally looked upon as the flower of sweet thoughts and gentle emotions. It indicates an affection that may turn into deeper love. Innocent love that has not yet blossomed into passion, a deep affection that has not yet reached its pinnacle is what the pink rose expresses.

Chinese Old Blush Rose – the first East Asian rose cultivar to reach Europe

Chinese Old Blush Rose

Chinese Old Blush Rose

Rosa ‘Old Blush’, also known as ‘Parsons’ Pink China’, ‘Old Blush China’, ‘Old China Monthly’ etc., is a China rose derived from Rosa chinesis, and is generally accepted as the first East Asian rose cultivar to reach Europe. It is recorded in Denmark in 1752 and England in 1793, but was probably cultivated in China for several centuries

‘Old Blush’ has light silvery pink semi-double flowers of medium size, that darken as they age. They have a light to strong tea fragrance, a cupped to flat bloom form, and an average diameter of 7 centimeters (2.8 in).The red buds appear in clusters almost continuously from early June to the first frost – in warmer regions even throughout the year, and can develop to small, red rose hips.

The shrub has an arching from, few prickles and mid-green leaves that have a crimson color when young. It grows 100 to 150 centimeters (3.3 to 4.9 ft) tall and about 90 to 120 centimeters (3.0 to 3.9 ft) wide, tolerates half shade, poor soils, and is winter hardy down to -18 °C (USDA zone 6 to 7). The cultivar can be trained as a small climber, reaching up to 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) height.

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the world famous Chicago Peace Rose Flower in pink color

Chicago Peace Rose

Hybrid Tea. A color sport of the world-famous rose “Peace”. The very large flowers are an exciting blend of pink, yellow and orange. It is a handsome plant, which grows up to 4 feet. The flowers have up to 45 petals with a light, slightly fruity, fragrance. Good disease resistance.

ne of the Most Colorful Hybrid Tea Roses

The Peace Rose is famous for…
• vibrant, multicolored double-blooms
• brilliant flowers that last all summer
• one of the few fragrant hybrid tea roses
• inducted into the World Federation of Rose Society Hall of Fame in 1976
The Peace Rose is a beautiful blend of yellow, orange, pink and white. It is a hybrid tea with an incredible show of color that lasts from late spring to early summer. The blooms are big and plentiful, growing up to 6 inches wide!
These showy blooms are incredibly fragrant… one of the few hybrid tea roses that gives you such an amazing scent. They make wonderful cut flower arrangements since they are so fragrant, colorful, and grow on long stems. Thrives in growing zones 5-9.
Peace Roses are also gaining popularity as container-grown plants as well. You often see them in pots on patios, giving your back yard color and a sweet scent. The Peace Rose has glossy, dark green foliage and grows to about 3 to 4 feet tall with a width of about 2 to 3 feet.